I offer personalized instruction in PADI Advanced Open Water, Rescue and Divemaster. In addition, I can normally provide you with a convenient schedule and location for PADI Open Water. Class room sessions are at your convenience, normally in your home or at my class room. Many of the offerings have videos or CDROMs that can make learning easier and quicker. I limit my class size to ensure optimal learning and retention and to make sure that your needs are taken care of.
Open water session are normally done at Windy Point at Lake Travis. For Austin area residents, we can even meet on weekday evenings during the summer, beating the crowds and the heat!
Prices are $50 for Advanced and Rescue. Contact me about Divemaster, as the situation for this changes.
I will soon be offering PADI Specialties and Emergency First Responder. Contact me about these, as this is an excellent opportunity to advance to PADI's Master Scuba Diver status, a recognition of accomplishment and skill. Prices for most Specialties will be $35, with a $5 discount if you took Advanced from me.
Write me at dmpyron@austin.rr.com.